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Discover your Focus Formula!

You’ve Tried Every Productivity Hack & Time Management Tip Under The Sun

… but it’s getting you nowhere.

The thing is, their way may have worked for them, but it wasn’t designed for you!

No one knows how you operate, what motivates you, or what distracts you; better than you!

So, let’s do things your way! Are you ready to…


You’ve Spent Years Trying Their Way To Manage Your Time. 

regain control of your time and energy?
get organized and stop feeling like you’re flying by the seat of your pants?
set your own deadlines and actually stick to them?
have a calendar that prioritizes you but also respects your clients?
finish your day proud of what you accomplished and confident of its impact on your business?

You have big, beautiful dreams to accomplish; there’s (literally) no time to waste!

let’s make the most of it! 

According to multiple studies,

The average person is productive for less than three hours a day!

Focus Formula With Shawnee Rose

Discover how you work best, stay focused, and get more done in less time with your UES.

Unique Efficiency Style Discovery

The Focus Formula can be completed in just 30 minutes a day for one week - or less!

LASER FOCUSED in one week or less

All lessons will be available in video, audio, and transcription + accompanying worksheets.

learning style Accommodations

The only step-by-step system to confidently harness your Unique Efficiency Style and structure your time to maximize efficiency, profitability, and freedom in your business - and in your life!

Focus Formula

When “just do it” doesn’t work, you need the…

Sign Me Up!

What’s inside the Focus Formula?

Ready to live a life that values time the way it values money? Yes, Please!

  • Discovering Your Maximum Productive Hours - because you’re tired of feeling like you’ve been running the Business Olympics at 100 mph for years. Discover the only mph that matters: your Maximum Productive Hours.
  • Batch Working With The Best of ‘Em - because time blindness is real, self-imposed deadlines are HARD to stick to, and switching between tasks can eat away up to 40% of your productive time. (according to this study)
  • Scheduling Your Time - because your business is your livelihood, but it’s only a fraction of your life. I’ll show you my step-by-step process for scheduling your time, establishing office hours, and protecting your values.
  • Setting Client Expectations - because you need to effectively communicate and enforce this shiny new schedule with your clients, so they know what to expect and when to expect it.

Protect Your Time

Module 1


Ready to ditch the motivation Yo-Yo and live purposefully?

  • Prioritizing Tasks With the Highest ROI - because your time has immense value. It’s time you start factoring in its cost.
  • Paring Down Your Processes - because you aren’t about to let some giant to-do list keep you from reaching your dreams. Let’s overcome the overwhelm by shrinking that list and finally starting.
  • Battling Perfectionism & Procrastination - because a confident mindset is half the battle - and motivation is the other half.
  • Incentivizing vs. Pressurizing - because what motivates you matters. 

Protect Your Motivation

Module 2


Ready to stop letting focus elude you and find your flow? Sign me up!

  • Setting The Stage - because your environment and habits play just as important a role as the tools you use to finish the job. Let’s start off on the right foot.
  • Managing Inspiration & Distractions - because multitasking doesn’t save anyone any time. It's actually costing you: big time!
  • Inducing Dopamine - because your work should bring you joy - but sometimes it doesn’t… So let’s infuse it with a bit of mood-boosting chemicals.
  • Working Only When Focused - because otherwise, you are just wasting precious moments. Life only gives you so many of them. Don’t waste the ones you've got!

Protect Your Focus

Module 3


Declutter your desk and declutter your mind. In this masterclass, you'll uncover how Feng Shui principles can help you achieve your goals and bring joy into your workspace. 

Feng Shui Your Workspace

There comes a time when every entrepreneur must outsource tasks in their business. Learn how to manage a team and retain your employees with your incredible leadership skills!

Four Characteristics of Leadership Mastery

Exclusive Bonus Trainings

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

with Monique McLeod

with Lia Menna Gross

- Heather, Sprouted Planner

"Focus Formula addresses the whole person and systems, and not just hacks inside working hours. As someone with big dreams, little time, and terrible prioritizing + focusing skills, this course has been a game changer."

"I'm 50% ahead of schedule as a result!"

Three-Step System

Uncover Your Focus Formula:

Step One

Stop burning daylight and get some data. Let’s be honest; what you’re doing now ain’t working. So let’s ditch what you’ve been told will work for what will ACTUALLY work! 

Step Two

Let’s get you into your zone of genius and let your light shine. You have a lot to offer, friend; let’s show the world what you can do! You have a lot to do inside your business, but you don’t have to do all. the. things.

Step Three

Now that you know what works for you, you’ll put the plan into action and bask in the glory of working smarter, not harder, and saving precious time and money! And lots of it!

- Christina, Christina Jones Photography

" Take the leap! There's so much valuable information that you can apply right away. It will help you become more efficient and productive with your time and prioritize your life outside of business."

"The perfect course to learn how to work (and rest) more efficiently"

Or, you could ditch those cookie-cutter tips you’ve tried 100 times before and design a day that leaves you excited for more!

No fluff. No filler. Just personalized strategies that work for YOU.

I mean, you could:
  • keep stocking that drawer full of pretty planners that’s dates have long passed (cost: $47 a piece)
  • wasting your hard-earned money on book after book that goes unread      (cost: $97 a year)
  • snapping screenshots of every time management IG post that comes your way (cost: an hour a week at your current rate Yikes! I don't even wanna know.)

You Could Find Hours Upon Hours Of Free Tips Online … Or You Could *Actually* Save Time.

In Less Than A Week You Can:

For Only $47,
Get immediate access to:

let's reclaim your time, shall we?

My exclusive, fluff-free 3-step system to discover your Focus Formula
The complete collection of Focus Formula Worksheets
Continual course updates and lifetime access
Exclusive Bonus Trainings
... and so much more!

- Kelsie, Kelsie Cakes

"Courses and education around productivity, time management, and focus always felt too rigid for me. No matter how hard I tried, I could never fit into those systems. Those systems didn't work for me. Focus Formula helped me see that I could take a framework and edit and reevaluate it to work for my schedule, habits, and mental health. This has been so affirming!"

"I actually *finished* the course and started *using* it!"

I’m Shawnee, and I teach entrepreneurs like you how to protect and prioritize their time, passion, and values. In a world obsessed with hustle, I believe that while your business is your livelihood, it is only a fraction of your life.

And now? I’m lifting the veil so you can have on-demand, lifetime access to my exclusive system &to uncover your Focus Formula. We’re going to discover when, why, and how you work best so, you can stop feeling overworked and start feeling refreshed.

This is how you take back control of your time and stop letting your business run you! By designing a system that works for YOU.

And that, my friend, is why I created Focus Formula .

Why should you care two figs what I have to say?

Do you love being an entrepreneur … but being your own boss is more challenging than you expected? Do you wish there was someone to set deadlines for you, hold you accountable, and give you a daily to-do list?

Do feel burnt-out … and feel like you work all the time but always seem behind? You know you need a change but aren’t sure where to start. You need someone to show you how to take the space you need to step away from your crazy-full, to-do list and take an ever-loving break!

Do you plan your time day-by-day or fly by the seat of your pants? You feel like you don’t really know where to start each day, much less HOW to start. You need a way to start planning your weeks - or months, so you can schedule the rest of your life, too.

Do constantly waste time trying to multitask? Do you have trouble delegating? Do you need someone to show you how to prioritize which tasks are worth your time and which tasks simply - aren’t?

Do you desperately need a change and are ready to put in a bit of work up-front to save you loads of time and money in the long run?

Will The Focus Formula Work For You?

Are you Wondering:

Sign Me Up!

- Lia, LMG Creative

"I love how Shawnee highlighted what slows productivity (like perfectionism) and gave helpful strategies to combat this! This is a must-do to learn better strategies for making that "never-ending to-do list" a stroll in the park instead of a non-stop marathon."

"I'd definitely recommend this course!"

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this course any different from all the other time management courses?

Firstly, I hate the term time management because I associate it with loads of cliche tips and tricks that produce mediocre results at best. These tips are not designed with you in mind. That’s how the Focus Formula is different: YOU are at the center of every aspect of this course. Your unique, beautiful operating system is different than anyone else’s on this planet. We need to embrace that and find a way that works specifically for you. That’s what Focus Formula is all about.  

I know I need this, but I don’t think I have time for this??

This course can be completed in less than 30 minutes a day for one full week. However, I understand that life is busy and loves to throw fastballs, so you will be given lifetime access to enable you to take your time and go at your own pace. 

What If you make updates? How long will I have access?

You will receive lifetime access to this course and all future updates! I want you to be able to come back whenever you need a refresher and get the information you need without having to scour the internet. I am constantly updating the information within this course, and you will have lifetime access to all of the current content, plus all future updates and improvements.

I have some more questions;
how can I get in touch?

If you want more information about Focus Formula, reach out to me at I will be standing by, ready to answer any questions you may have. I’m excited to see what you accomplish once you’ve discovered your Focus Formula, and I want to ensure we get you there. 

You’ve already spent hours, if not years, trying everything to get a handle on your time and efficiency …

Meanwhile, you’ve had to watch minute after minute slip by with nothing to show for it - but a to-do list that’s even longer than when you started.

Enough is enough!

It’s time to ditch the antiquated time management tips and finally find your unique Focus Formula so you can actually manage your time!

Join Focus Formula, and let me help you:
  • get more done in less time.
  • prioritize tasks with the highest ROI.
  • protect your time, motivation, and focus.
  • design a workday that serves YOU!

Save yourself the time, burnout, and the utter frustration of trying 1000s of tips and tricks designed for someone else.

Find your Focus Formula today and discover how to make time serve you!

What is your time worth to you?

It all boils down to this:

I'm Ready To reclaim my time!