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My mission at SRC is to help as many people as I can; bring joy back into their business and choice back into their lives. 

It's your life; you should get to choose how you spend it!

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Let's make some tweaks to your systems that help you save time and money! 
Consider this your start-to-finish systems audit, prioritizing one system at a time in 16 questions or less. 

Are You Ready To Work Less?

Six Essential Business Systems

My Question(s) For You: Do you know what the six essential business systems are? And how does each of your systems stack up?

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My Question(s) For You: Do you know what the six essential business systems are? And how does each of your systems stack up?

Six essential business systems

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Do you ever catch yourself utterly dumbfounded as you fan-girl over that woman who has a title list a mile long?

Her bio reads something like “Multi-business Founder, Podcaster, Author, Educator, Mother of 2, and Olympic Athlete”; meanwhile, you feel like yours should read, “I almost brushed my teeth with lotion because someone was talking to me.”

Is she even human, or is she some elite alien species come to make us mere mortals look bad? Well, I’ll let you in on her secret: She’s got a team and systems so well-oiled they make olives jealous.

While I can’t promise you superhuman abilities, I can help you pinpoint the system upgrades that will make the most impact on your business in just 16 questions or less.

Click here to download your copy of Ditch The Stress and Work Less, and read on below to learn more about the six systems every business needs. 


Weekly High Five Six?

Six essential business systems
Team Management

Have you ever had that manager that undervalued your work or the one that stood over your shoulder while you did every small task? Let’s make sure your team doesn’t share in that experience. Whether you want to grow your team or have had an experienced staff with you from day one, a solid team management system is crucial to business success.

Client Management

We all crave that “I couldn’t have done this without you. You’re a lifesaver” massage that makes us beam with pride and bats away the imposter syndrome we’ve likely been grappling with. To create an infallible client experience that ensures a stream of these reviews, you must ensure your client management system is on point. 

Growth Management

I know you got dreams! Whether you want to make us all marvel at your ability to run several multimillion-dollar companies or to build a business that runs itself so you can bask in the sun at your lake house on a weekday afternoon, your dreams need action! That’s where growth management comes in!

Admin Management

Are you the business owner that waits until the tax deadline to get your bookkeeping in check? Or maybe, you’re the one that has your documents spread so far and wide that it’s faster to create a new one than to find the old one? Maybe your email inbox hovers around 500 unread messages? If these sound familiar, this is for you!

Lead Management

Lead management, in essence, is your business sales funnel. Not the single service automation, but the journey from brand awareness to a new client! It’s the system that structures your marketing, content creation, lead generation, social media presence, and metrics tracking. When done right, it saves you time and generates income — lots of income! 

6 Project Management

Project management is closely tied to your client and team management systems. It’s the glue that holds this whole thing together! Whether a project for your business or your client, project management helps you coordinate your efforts, ensure the project remains profitable and protects your time.

Now that you are more familiar with the six essential business systems, are you ready to make sure they are working for you? If you are ready to uncover the updates to your systems that will have the highest ROI, grab your copy of Ditch The Stress and Work Less now.

- Brianna Johns De Moll,
Web + Brand Designer

"WORTH. EVERY. PENNY. My systems are working flawlessly and saving me so much time and stress. I have a hard time handing over the reins, but with Shawnee I had complete confidence."


"Shawnee has absolutely increased my productivity ten fold. All my emails are organized, things are automated, I’ve gotten so many amazing ideas from her on how to run things effectively"


"No more half-baked client experience or workflows. Shawnee will organize that overwhelming mess inside your head and create a workflow that is infinitely more organized! 


"My systems have brought me peace of mind. I don't have to be constantly scrambling to figure out what comes next, or trying to get bits of information I forgot to collect weeks ago."


"I wanted to take my business to the next level and Shawnee is why I accomplished that! She truly cares about helping her clients. She has a gift. I could not have done this without her."