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The Incredibly High ROI of Handwritten Thank You Notes

Genuinely thanking your clients with a handwritten note costs less than $1 and could increase customer retention by 50%!

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Read Time: 5 minutes

The High ROI of Hand-Written Thank You Notes

Gahh! Is there anything quite as simplistically heart-warming as going to the mailbox and finding a card mixed into that stack of ads and bills?

It’s like waking up on Christmas morning. 😍

Don’t you want to spread that feeling?

When you genuinely thank your clients in a handwritten note, they feel appreciated, connected to you, and like a priority. Isn’t that exactly how you want them to feel?

I don’t know about you, but I want my clients to feel like they mean the world to me – because they do! I couldn’t be a business owner without them. I couldn’t stay home with my son without them. Without them, I couldn’t be the active advocate I am for him! My life is infinitely better because they chose to work with me. The least I can do is spend 5 minutes writing a thank you note that will brighten their day and mine. 

 “Saying thanks can improve somebody’s own happiness, and it can improve the well-being of another person as well — even more than we anticipate, in fact,” says Amit Kumar, the co-author of a study on the benefits of thank you notes published in Psychological Science

So let’s dive in. Here are the top five reasons I send every client a handwritten thank you note:

1) They take way less time than you think.

Listen, I know what you’re thinking: “who has the time?” But really, who doesn’t? A thank you note is often as short as THREE sentences! How long could it honestly take you to write three sentences?

2) They cost next to nothing!

As of writing this, a stamp in the United States costs $0.55. A pack of 50 thank you cards on Amazon is as cheap as $10. For accuracy, let’s throw in; a pen at $2. If we assume it takes all 50 thank you cards for your pen to run out, you are looking at a whopping $0.79! That’s it. Less than one US dollar and you increase your happiness AND someone else’s.

3) Practicing gratitude is good for your health.
The High ROI of Hand-Written Thank You Notes

According to Psychology Today, gratitude increases your mental strength, improves your mental and psychological health, and even improves your sleep. It also reduces anxiety and builds empathy. It increases self-esteem. And if that doesn’t sell you, it builds relationships! 

Building that connection and relationship with your clients is critical to your business. 87% of people tell others about an exceptional client experience they had, and 95% will share a bad one. How do you inspire that 87%? You build a relationship with them that makes them feel connected to you. You foster their trust in you and your skills.

4) Thank you notes have an incredibly high ROI.

As I already mentioned, a thank you note will cost you $0.79 and 5 minutes of your time. Say you charge $350 an hour. That is an opportunity cost of $30. So altogether, we have $30.79. But here is the kicker:

Customer Ops reports, “out of the roughly 800 customers who received handwritten cards from us last year, 50% fewer folks left our product than those who did not receive cards.”


Can you imagine if 50% of your clients were repeat customers – instead of the industry-standard average of 20%? Your sales would skyrocket! Then if 87% of them turned around and referred you to others? 🤯

5) Last but not least, they distinguish your brand.
Image by ColorJoy Stock

Very few people send “snail mail” anymore. According to the New York Times, “Not counting holiday cards and invitations, the average American household receives just Ten pieces of personal mail per year.” Why would you not want to be one of those ten pieces of mail your customer is excited to get? Your competition is down to 10… 10 pieces of mail that are not in your industry, not a competitor. Those odds of standing out are looking pretty dang good!

With all things considered, what are you waiting for? Think of all the missed opportunities. Think of all the smiling faces of your customers. Dream of all the social media posts they will post boasting about your thoughtfulness. Before you start, let me give you a bit of advice:

Be genuine! People can always tell when you are doing something solely to check off a box on your to-do list. It’s like that cashier at the grocery store that isn’t giving you bad service, but you can tell they don’t love their job. They are speedy and efficient, but they don’t look up at you, smile, or say anything except, “did you find everything you were looking for today?”. 

Don’t be that person. Instead, let your passion and your gratitude shine through. You have an extraordinary gift. Not everyone can do what you do, and NO ONE can do it like you! So, share it genuinely with the people who need it.

Okay, Let me step off my soapbox. 

Now that my passionate ranting is out of the way… Let’s write one of these bad boys!

The Anatomy of a “Thank-You” Note by Lizzie Post: 

(The Great-Great-Granddaughter of Emily Post)

Step 1: Start with an opener or greeting: “It was so lovely to work with you!”

Step 2: Thank them for the opportunity they have given you: “Thank you for supporting my business and entrusting me with your [project]. I hope you love it as much as I do!”

Step 3: Then, add a closing. It’s nice to include a wish for the future: “I look forward to following along with your continued success and hope that you enjoy the holidays.”

There you have it: short and sweet. So, let me write my own:

 “I am so flattered you are here listening to my rambling. Your support and confidence in me mean the world to me. I can’t wait to see you share your passion and purpose with the world. So let’s keep in touch!”

- Brianna Johns De Moll,
Web + Brand Designer

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"I wanted to take my business to the next level and Shawnee is why I accomplished that! She truly cares about helping her clients. She has a gift. I could not have done this without her."